virtual production set

Impact Studios

Virtual Production Studio Services

Make the impossible possible with virtual production services. Our LED virtual production stage lets you explore endless location options and capture any scene, all from a single spot.

Experience full creative control over your filming environment with virtual production. Turn a single shoot into infinite possibilities. Embrace cutting-edge technology that brings your visions to life and step confidently into the future of video production today.

How It Works

Bring Your Vision to Life with Virtual Production

Virtual production combines real-time rendering, LED walls, and motion capture to create immersive environments on set. This technology allows filmmakers to visualize and adjust scenes live, blending visual effects with live-action.


The Future of Filmmaking

Ever seen The Mandalorian or Barbie? These hits were created using virtual production—the film technology revolutionizing how commercials, movies, and TV shows are made.

Greater Volume of Content Captured

With a wealth of content at your disposal, you can guarantee that the final product captures your vision perfectly and includes everything you envisioned.

Savings on Travel and Logistics

Dreaming of filming in Italy, Japan, or even on the moon? Now you can make it happen—no plane tickets required. Cut down on costs without cutting down on filming possibilities.

Unlimited Hours of Sunlight

With the flexibility to customize your virtual environment as needed, you’re no longer constrained by the time of day—everything is fully under your control.

Reduction in Carbon Footprint

Virtual production reduces carbon footprints by minimizing the need for extensive travel, physical set construction, and resource consumption, leading to a more sustainable filmmaking process.


“High-quality videos build brand identity, showcase products or services, and provide valuable information in an engaging and accessible format.”

Read: Fundamentals of Production
A picture of a portion of the Impact video crew

Get Started

Your Dream, Our Screen

Get in touch with the experts at our virtual production studio.

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