
Best Practices for Elective and Plastic Surgery Marketing

Learn more about how clinics can use plastic surgery marketing strategies to find patients and grow their businesses digitally.

Blog Post

5 minutes

May 16, 2022

Clinics always need new patients to continue to grow. That’s why plastic surgery marketing plays such a key role: it’s an extremely effective way to reach new people, learn about your audience, engage with people, and eventually turn them into customers. 

Read on to learn more about the importance of digital marketing and branding for plastic surgery clinics and some of the best strategies being used every day by marketers in the industry. 

Elective and Plastic Surgery Marketing Strategies 

To find more patients and increase brand awareness, clinics can implement these digital marketing strategies: 

Run Email Marketing Campaigns 

Email campaigns are a tried-and-true marketing strategy that has found success being used in various industries. In healthcare, it’s a great way to engage with potential and current patients by sharing news, blogs, and testimonials and by maintaining contact and staying top of mind.  

Clinics can use automated email marketing to send welcome messages, inquire about reviews, remind about payments, share new content as its posted, and more. 

78% of marketers said email marketing was a key to overall company success 

Establish a Social Media Presence 

Modern businesses simply must have a social media presence these days. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other platforms are where buying decisions are being heavily influenced by users and brands alike. Consistently posting videos, photos, content, and questions can engage your audience and keep your business coming up on their timeline every day. 

Related: 5 Effective Social Media Marketing Tips

Clinics can use social media to engage with their audience on the ground level, answering questions, asking questions, responding to trending topics, sharing relevant content, and more. Social media is an easy place to meet your audience where they live and create or join in on conversations happening around your industry and beyond. 

Social media is also a great way to keep your finger on the pulse of public opinion, helping you keep track of your brand reputation, industry trends, and publicly trending topics that you can use to help spread awareness of your services and business. 

Engage with People in Every Stage 

Patient engagement starts from the first time someone interacts with your business. Whether it’s on social media, filling out a website form, subscribing to your blog, or calling in, it’s important to keep track of these contacts so you can continue to engage with them over time. This is done through your CRM (customer relationship management) by storing contact information and letting you organize it based on certain criteria like engagement rates, age, location, etc. Which helps you create more targeted campaigns. 

Post-operation, engaging with patients can mean sending content, asking for reviews, asking for referrals, and just staying top of mind for any future procedures. In healthcare, and especially for cosmetic surgery clinics, reviews have become critically important.  

90% of cosmetic surgery patients use reviews to research clinics 

People are relying more on customer reviews to make buying decisions and the reputation of your clinic is paramount and reviews are one of the most public-facing ways to control your online reputation. Encourage patients to leave reviews, respond to negative reviews, boost positive ones, and do what you can to highlight positive customer experiences wherever you can. 

Create an Effective Website and Digital Brand 

The benefits of an easy-to-use but informational website are limitless. A website is your first impression, the home of your brand online, a great way to collect information, a place to teach, and a place to sell. A well-designed site encourages people to come back, to learn more, and to engage further with your brand. 

Build Educational Resources 

No matter the topic or industry, people have questions. Filling your website with helpful content is not only a great way to provide educational resources for curious visitors, it’s also one of the most effective ways of building website authority so these blog posts or web pages show up higher on search engine results pages. 

Develop a content strategy based on research by writing blogs on the most-searched topics, using those to fill up pillar pages, and building out a content map that guides your audience from initial curiosity to the decision-making stage of the buyer’s journey. 

Optimize Local SEO 

Healthcare is a local game where a lot of clinics and practices compete for the same clientele. This competition is at its fiercest on the battlegrounds of local SEO and Google Maps where listings fight tooth and nail to be on top. 

To give your clinic the best chances, you need to optimize your local SEO, so you show up when people type “plastic surgery near me.” 

To do this, you need to do a few things: 

  • Build out your Google MyBusiness Page with pictures, videos, accurate information, and frequent posts. This means verifying and claiming your page. 
  • Ensure your local citations are accurate across all platforms (yelp, WebMD, etc.). 
  • Optimize your website SEO for local traffic by including local keywords and addresses. You can even add entire location pages. 

You can add a layer to your SEO and search results by including paid ads on valuable keywords to ensure you show up on top of the page every time. 

Related: Creating a Paid Media Strategy that Works

In Conclusion 

These professional plastic surgery marketing strategies help build a stronger digital presence for clinics. With a better website, SEO, content, and other strategies combined, clinics can find new patients and continue growing their business by engaging with their audience throughout the buyer’s journey. 

Discover more ways to generate leads in our blog 5 Ways to Generate Leads for Your Business Online.


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